header:nav links:font, comments, sidebar:borders, $acct level:paid or perm

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  • Elements

    miss_zipper wrote in s2expressive Nov 25, 2007 09:00

    Help, please, to decide a few problems of design my modest magazine.
    I know that it is simple, but I need prompt.
    How to do it?

    1.to change a size and font of subheading of magazine?
    2.to increase the size of font tags and page summary?
    3.to dispose a tags column in left part under a calendar?  Placing of elements must be as a column.

    I shall ( Read more... )

    entries:linkbar, header:nav links:font, sidebar:summary, sidebar:tags

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  • I think I'm doing it wrong. [Headers v. Fonts] FIXED! THANK YOU!

    saintsavin wrote in s2expressive Nov 16, 2007 22:23

    So! I changed my journal layout last night for the first time in three years. I really like the "Inked" expressive layout, but I wasn't a fan of the font choices, so I went about changing them ( Read more... )

    header:nav links:font, sidebar:headers:font

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